Thursday, November 24, 2011

That old man had a tale

Basically this is about something that I have experienced yesterday morning which moved me and made think hell lot of things.
So yesterday morning like any other day I started off to University.As usual I knew I would get late.Don't blame me.Blame these Kingston buses they always arrive late.So I was just waiting in this station for bus.Only then I happened to see an old man arriving.He stood next to me.He might be around 75ish.He was trying to tell me something.But I could not get it firstly so I just preferred to nod my head with a smile.But when I suddenly started staring down I noticed his feet.Those fingers of his feet were bleeding.That's when I started examining him closely I noticed that even his hands were injured and were in a bad state.It was then I started paying attention to whatever he was saying.He told me that all his life he had been striving for the welfare and good future of his children.It was only 2 years that his wife passed away.And his children who were in a really good position now had abandoned him cos he would fall sick all the time and this was getting on their nerves.He told me that he would keep walking on roads and keep travelling not knowing where his destination was.The other day when he kept walking the same way a small accident occurred and he fell down and was left with all those injuries.He didn't even have a single penny with him even to take the minimum first aid.I was moved by whatever he said.It brought tears to my eyes that people have become so selfish that they cant even take good care of their own parents.Its at that time I saw my bus arriving and all I could do is place a 10$ note in his hand and leave with a heavy heart.

Whatever this world has come to :/ I don't care or give a darn if you 're successful or billionaire or famous/celebrity anything.You 're nothing but a successful loser if you cant take care of your parents.That tale of this old man taught me a lesson.All you folks reading this think for yourself.How many times you must have let down your parents who never gave up on you.Even your best friend/boy friend/partner/girl friend/wife/husband/siblings would give up on you but they never would.Even if you cant make them happy at least don't make them cry.Don't abandon them when they are old.That's when they need you the most.Even you would turn old some day nobody is young forever until you are a vampire or something unrealistic.Get a reality check give them hope when they 're down.Even animals are good at this.They never hurt their parents then why have we become like this?

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's all about Priorities

Some people are just so adorable you wish you could hide them from everyone else so they would only be your friend.Did this ever occur to you?Did it ever happen to you that you get insecure when certain people in your life get close to others?Even though you yourself introduced that 3rd person to your friend?So what is it basically insecurity,jealousy,possessiveness?Whatever it might be I'm sure most of us must have experienced this in their lives sooner or latter.
                              So coming to my part of the story.I basically had this best friend of mine whom I happened to introduce to another really good friend of me.Eventually things were all right.But then sooner or later I started feeling somethings going wrong.I didn't know whether it was my misconception or whether I was right.This best friend of mine who used to tell me everything [almost EVERYTHING] started hiding things.He started talking to my friend everyday and he would never let me know about all this.I wonder why *sigh*.And I would get to know about these things from the 3rd person [The friend I introduced to him].What I didn't like is the fact that I'm getting to know things of MY so called best friend from some other person.Frankly speaking this was the first time I was going through all this.Cos always I felt people who were important to me gave me equally enough importance too.I could not digest the fact that MY best friend is getting closer to someone else.I know it sounds kiddish but we can never get over certain human emotions.Usually when I cant face certain situations in life I try to escape from them by avoiding them.So I started avoiding the two of them.Though they both are still my friends I don't talk to them the way I used to before maybe I never can.I don't know if its right or wrong but I find this the easiest way out .Mostly when I don't like people assume myself to be an attention seeker or jealous retard.Though I'm sure most of you all must have already given me that title in your head.
                             Why do we have to feel this way?Why do we want people whom we have known since a long time or been close with to give the first priority to us?Why cant we take it when they're happy with somebody else.Or maybe we can take it but we cant be happy.This feeling sucks it really does.During such times we subject the person to be bad.But the truth is that situations/circumstances change people and its not their fault.Its not necessary that people who 're close to you now should only stay with you forever.Of course they have a life beyond you.Even though its bitter its the truth.Who knows maybe at some point of time in life even you ended up making somebody feeling the same way like its happening with you?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Unsent letter to a TRUE FRIEND

     Do you have that one person in your life who had always been your "true friend".The one who never back stabbed you.The one with whom you have those in numerous meaningless and lame talks.The one you cant go a day with out talking.The one who does not show he/she really cares for you but makes you feel it.The one who keeps mocking you with those silly names.The one who keeps reminding you all the time that you are younger than him just to annoy you :P The one whose silliest joke can bring a smile on your face.The one whom you can actually fight with like you do it with your sibling.The one who ll never let you down.The one who wastes his rc just to give you advices.The one who knows your flaws and your positive shades too.The one who'll share their problems with you without hesitating that you would let others know about it.In other words trusts you blindly.The one who acts like he's a complete geekiest and doesn't care about any darn thing but is emotional than anyone else.The one with whom you can act completely kiddish and at the same time completely mature with.The one whose play list is exactly similar to that of yours and often ends up blaming you that you 're the one who stole his phone .The one who gives you the feeling that you 've known each other forever.The one who would read this and feel did she really write this for me :)) And yeah the one who keeps it drama free.The one to whom I hate admitting all this stuff  about cos we never act so lovey dovey :P
 Well now that I 've admitted all this I ll certainly accept the fact that I do have one such friend.[Yeah Abhinav Balwa you're one].And all these qualities in him makes him different from the rest.We don't go on and on like we love each other or we care for each other a lot.But I 'm sure deep down both of us know all this.Some of our lame talks go on like this.
^^That's my fav pic of yours now.And my editing makes it look more good ACCEPT IT.

He : Morni :D
Me :Night [cos its night at my place when its morning over his]
He : Duh I was talking about female peacock.
Me :How can you be so lame?
He :Certainly not more than you.
Me :Admit it you 're the lamest.

He :Work chor.
Me :Tu hoga chor -____-
He :Chal chal kaam kar jab dheko subah shaam fb .
Me :Chal na you 're jobless anyway.
Me :See you 're able to edit pics so well just 'cos of me.
He :Credit ki bhukki
Me :Doob mar
He:Swimming aati hai.
Me :Ocean main dooba dungi
He :Ocean bhi Indian hai. It'll favor me. Indian ocean. Not Canadian. :-P:-P
Me :Lame joke chup ho jaa.

     And so now this being your 18th Birthday.I would just like to tell you.Have fun enjoy it to the core and I feel blessed to have you in my life.And I love the fact that you come online especially for me and don't talk much to others cos I just don't want anyone else to realise how amazing you are.Okay I admit that's too much now :P And I wont give you advices like don't change and crap cos I know you wont and even if you want to change I wont allow you to.And here goes one such rare moment where in I want to also tell you "You really mean a lot to me and I love you for everything ".And I want you to be happy no matter what cos you 've had enough of everything [you know what I mean :P ]

P.S :You 're the only person who feel my Hindi is cute :D Yes yes I had to mention that :P
2.Take an oath that from this birthday you wont call me chotu,kurti,matki,chutki.But I ll call you Halwa,Jalwa :D Cos I love calling you with those names.And Stop saying I 'm jealous all the time.I 'm purely NOT.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why ME ??

 Allrite as soon as you guys read the title.I am sure 99.9   % of the people [Though so many people dont read my blog] :P would 've definitely thought that it should n't be why me and its gotto be try me?But letme tell you I 've tried enough each and every time but end up asking the same question to myself and i.e why me.I know I should use more of punctuations but kindly ignore it cos I 'm in no mood to correct anything.

            So the point is how suddenly somebody you 've been friends with since ages can start blaming you and just cant take a joke like a joke.And ruin everything just cos of a silly joke.C'mon we arent kids anymore GROW UP FFS.If you 're egoistical enough to let somebody go even after they apologise then let me tell you its your bloody fault and not the other person's cos they atleast made an attempt to sort out things unlike you.And their apology is just cos they value the relationship more than the silliest fight.But its true you should never apologise when you 're not wrong cos few egoistical people might take advantage of it.So first time I learned a lesson NEVER APOLOGISE FOR BEING REAL.No matter how important the other person might be in your life.Anyway we have had enough of this shit the truth is NobodyReallyCares.
Sometimes  I wish people never took me for granted.Darn why me????????   Anyway for whomever this might concern I just want to tell you I 've tried each and every means to sort out things & always been there for you.Even though you dont consider me to be your friend now.So its just gotto be a final good bye buddy :) Sometimes its better to leave the broken pieces the way they 're than to try to fix them back and hurt yourself.           
            Today I don't feel like doing anything.I just want to have some peace of mind and enjoy my last Day in Toronto.Don't feel like talking to anyone.Isnt it ironical how one silly issue can spoil your good day. :(

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A little bit stronger

So today is one such unusual day when I'm really happy and updating my blog.Cos I often somehow end up updating my blog when I'm sad.Anyway I didn't sleep the whole night cos I dont really know.Insomnia is taking over me these days.Then something that made my day awesome today  was talking to my best friends Suja and Akhil after a really really long time.Yes no matter how serious life gets we constantly need the ones with whom we can act completely stupid with and I love them both for this.Then as usual talked to Samrith.Calling him with his actual name really makes me feel weird cos I 'm so used to mock him with freaking annoying names.Today something just made me realise that I 'm actually so content with my family and friends that even when somebody new enters into my life I feel they just dont fit in cos I feel I already 've awesome people in my life.I know this is wrong and I 'm working to change this attitude of mine.

                                 And then I went on a walk with my brother not cos I need to loose my weight but cos I was bored and I love long walks.Might be I would end up my day giving a party to my friends cos they have been nagging from many days that I never gave them a treat on my result.I 've been just thinking how different my life would be from next week.Will I be able to make some good friends cos I swear making new friends had never been easy for me but somehow I end up making good friends?Will I get adapted to that city?Will I be able to stay happily without my family .I dont really think so cos I never faced such situation in my life.Anyway I 'm just keeping my fingers crossed and I hope everything goes well and  all that I know is I need to get used to all these changes now.Anyway sayonara cos my starbucks vanilla double shot is waiting for me right now :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Unsent letter to soul sister

Well to start off it all started with a friend request on orkut :D Yeah as usual I saw some of your post in 1993 and I sent you a request.Initially I would feel omg this girl is so full of attitude and I dont know from where on earth I got this feeling  which makes me laugh now.But soon I realised that my first impression about her was wrong.We became really good friends then with time.The duration of our chats only increased from minutes to long lasting hours.
          I still remember how we used to stalk Jallu [only she can understand who it is] And OMG those awesome conferences which me you and Tanmay used to have are unforgettable.And how could I forget the epic swayamvara .I ll never forgive you and your ex husband for the way you betrayed us i.e me and Samrithwa:)) And how we used to keep talking about our guys and start cussing them when we are all out of love or about to break up :P Its true boy friends leave soul sisters dont ;)
 Yay cos I edited this pic of yours :P
             There used to be a time when we would continuously chat even for about 7-8 hours i.e non stop and I wonder what we would talk so much about.In short we 've shared our moments of happiness,sadness,funtimes,turned our sadness to happiness many a times in our lives.                                                                     
  We have had our ups and downs misunderstandings,fights,the not talking to each other part to for few days.But all this has just brought us closer.I just want to tell you I dont want to get you influenced by anything in the world.I want you just the way you are and how you have always been.Cos thats what makes you awesome.And kindly screw my means or ways of expressing things and my grammar too :D The only thing  I want to let you know is I love you and when I look back ages from now I still want the both of 'US' to remain the same :D That is K SISTERS now and forever.The credit for the name goes to Sona :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Sad Day with Happy Ending

  • So I decided to update this blog more often 'cos I am stuck up with this boredom syndrome and yes because I love my blog atleast it does n't have any complains against me and puts on with me inspite of all the irrelevant shit I fill up here.Yeah sometimes talking to yourself makes you feel better.But dont do that often otherwise people might think you are on crack.
  • Wanted to talk to Balwa but I could not.I can talk out like  about anything with him but I did not want to make him feel more sick.Had a talk with Kishu then felt good.Then had a chat with somebody which made me remember things which I did not want to about my past.Started mocking Sam then with the stupid fights we usually have.Atleast that made me feel better:)
  • Joined TWITTER cos I wanted to do something new and cos of Dip.
  • I had to go to Kingston today morning but this shitty weather screwed everything up.I absolutely hate it when I have to go out and it starts raining holycrap.
  • Had an arguement with Dad.Sucks when he fails to understand me.I feel like I am the one who keeps thinking about everyone else all the time and nobody gives shit about me.Not that it bothers me but maybe it does sometimes.
  • To add to all these I am officially sick I have been coughing like a hyena and got my leg sprained cant even move it now darn thing.
  • To avoid all this I decided to attend the summer classes in my Uni from 13th so that I could stay away  from many things in my life for a good reason.
  • Met Adil bhaiya today after a long time I havent seen him in more than a month after I left to NYC.He somehow realised I was in one of those weird moods and was making up silly jokes to make me laugh.Then he made me this vegetable Raita sort of thing and it was amazing.
  • I miss my Habibi [DHRUV]
  • Just when I felt everything is falling to dust somebody told me "A lifetime isn't enough to love you" and that actually made my day.I know its only YOU that can get me through anything and everything :) 

P.S :-Did I just mention in my previous post that I ll stop nagging but I never stand by what I say .So here I go again :P

Friday, June 3, 2011

To Subiya Irfan,

To Ammi jaan,
                          I know I should have like updated this ages ago and I have made you wait enough.But you know how lazy I am at times or most of the time I can say .Anyway sorry for the delay.
                 Well to start it off I gotto know you through Dip dada.And I never knew we would get so close cos you seemed to be equally reserved like me.Yes that was my first impression about you.But you seemed very unique to me in every sense right from what you wanted to become i.e your goal to your complete personality .Kindly ignore the grammatical errors I know you are good at pointing them out lol :)) Anyway jokes apart you have always supported me in everything I did till date.Always stood up for me when people annoyed me or tried to make me happy with your silly jokes whenever I was in a bad mood.
                   I still remember the day when I was having an arguement with someone about things which I should n't  supposedly have and the one where I would end up hurting myself if I got deep into that shit.You tried all means to cut it off that really showed me how much you care for me.I still remember our baigan talks lol.I wonder if anyone would make the vegetable feel so important like we do though we hate it from the bottom of our hearts :P And I lorveeeeee how you kind of pamper me by singing *chanda hai tu mera suraj hai tu*.Lol trust me nobody ever does such things for me [Dada is an exception :P] I love how we can have never ending conversations about anything in the world like absolutely anything.I love how you defend me even at times when we both know I am not right.I love the way you love me.
                 The way you make me feel special.Yes the way you keep saying you can be happy if I am happy .Oh yes I love editing your pictures you should click them more often.I love your taste in music.They say when times get rough you get to know who your real friends are.And I would definitely count you in that. I love those late night talli conversations .No one can act crazy like you do and we can be the craziest when we are together .Its not really been that long that we have known each other but you have known me really well in this short period of time which rarely happens :P.Cos there are friends whom I 've known since ages and they haven't got a clue about me neither do I know anything great about them.So I believe the bond that we share is something special something which I dont share with anyone else.I hope this remains the same forever and thanks for the unconditional love and care you have given me.And I love you with all my heart <3 Friends forever.
        And I hope you remember this picture our remembrance to some night.And and I hope you ll take me to that Chinchpokli Bunder when I visit Mumbai the next time :D
P.S :-No no she doesnt love Suresh Raina at all she meant [raina in hindi = night]
With loads of love,
Your daughter baigan [lol] :P

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Good Bye Sadness Sydrome

  • So yeah last week  I really really had a tough  and stressful time .Yes if stress could burn calories I 'd be invisible by now :P.But oh  yeah like I always keep saying I can never be sad or stressed out for a long time :P No matter anybody's there to console me or not.Well from now on I want to stop complaining about the things around me.Cos complaining or nagging about them would n't really make any difference.Oh yes I realised this very  fast :P
  • Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary....simply by doing them with the right people.This picture is something that made me smile last weekend.I love you Margaret.

  • And on the other end I am waiting for my new life to start asap cos I am already bugged with this vacation and joblessness.And yes its gonna be a new life for me cos I would stay away from home for the first time in my life.Woho thats an achievement for me cos I always wanted to experience this some day.Though I know I am gonna miss my friends terribly.Darn cos they are the best and not like the rest [Didn 't that rhyme :P] And I ll miss Toronto especially loitering around in Downtown,Partying in Alley Cats,Yes the food at TH [darn nothing can replace it yes Wadhwani's Desi food is an exception though] ,Talks at the Rogers Centre with my guy  and not to forget I ll miss my niece and nephew I confess they are the most adorable kids and spending time with them makes me  the happiest person.
  • Stayed away from everyone for one week not because I was that busy but cos I wanted to make my life less complicated.Already I am messed up I dont want any more complicated things and built dramas around me  and then blame the world and say "oh yeah life sucks?Doesn't it " .
  • Firstly I am sick of being sad and getting influenced by the things around me.All I need is peace of mind right now to sort out things that I am already messed up with I am just waiting for a better life ahead.
  • Oh yeah and I forgot to mention  today is Alap bhai's Birthday I want  my most annoying brother to have the best time of his life today.I sent him this Enicar Watch hope he received it on time and I hope he liked it .God I suck at choosing gifts for men.Halwa gives me advices on that at times though. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One year of friendship with Ammu

So its exactly one year that I 've been friends with this girl Amrit Kaur who holds a very special place in my life now :D Though I went mad at you cos you forgot the date :'( But its okay its not the day but the moments we shared that we need to cherish :D

 So firstly I gotto know her through some person who does n't exist in my life now but everything happens for a reason does n't it ?Thats one reason why I dont regret anything in my life cos otherwise maybe I would never come across you in my whole life and get to know how awesome you are :)
             Though I dont know you personally or never met you in real life but you have just become a part of my life knowingly or unknowingly.Gross I suck at expressing things but kindly bear with me for a while :P I absolutely love everything about you.I love your punjabi .I love how you sang songs for me once upon a time hope you remember that.Oh wait I absolutely love your voiice.I love your hair [jealous jealous].I used to love those conferences[voice chats] of ours with Dip and Azan which were absolutely crazy and nonsensical but good times.I love how we can talk anything or nothing and end up laughing hillariously.I love how you try to solve my problems.I love how you never left my side when I needed you the most.I love how we talk about hot guys and end up giggling :P In short I love you for the way you are and for everything you are when you are with me :)
Haye I love that pic made that for your last Birthday :D

                               Ammu's note which means a lot to me 
Kriti Desai,

This one year with you has been blissful. I loved each and every moment of it. You have been there for me in thick and thin. I love you for that. If anybody asks me about my best friends, yes I say two names. Sahiba and Kriti.
I love you. More then I can say. You are beautiful. And you deserve the best.
I am sorry I got confused of the dates. :P:P Mujhe yaad tha but. :):)

I love your smile. I love your eyes. I love the way you talk. I love your boyfriend. :P:P I love the way everybody loves you. I love you cus you are special. I love the way you say JO BHI and BAIGAN! I love you. Yep! And I miss you when you are gone. :S

May you get all the happiness you ever have wanted. May you top in that Queen's uni of yours. :P:P May you always be happy with him. And when I see you, I see you both married. Yep. :P:P May I just see you soon. And when I will see you, all I would do is hug you tight till you suffocate and cry. :') :P:P

Btw are your hair rebounded? :S They are beautiful.

And you are not as thin as I thought you were :P:P

And I never want to lose you. And I am sure its not only me who feels that way but everybody whose ever touched your life.

And once again. I love you. >:D< ♥

And this reminds me of that picture you made of waitress when I used to work at the cafe darn I absolutely loved it.The little things you keep doing for me make me the happiest person.

 I hope we share the same retarded crazy relationship even after ages from now and I hope you get everything in life you wish for.Cos you deserve it all and HIM too.I love you :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Unsent letter to my Love

To the Birthday Boy,
                             There must prolly be many things which I never revealed to you though I know you from almost 3 years and I share almost everything with you.So I somehow feel I should let out all my feelings today.
                      The first day I met  you I never really thought you would become so important for me.I still remember the way you used to crack up silly and stupid jokes just to make me smile.Cos I was new to the school and everyone out here.I used to really like that effort of yours it actually made me more friendly towards everyone or whatever I am today.I 'd keep telling Amrit Kaur and the Kishu Jain about all the silly things you do and the stupid songs you 'd sing with the Canadian accent hahaa.I was secretly liking you and wanted it to be the same from your side.
                  But then things dont really go the way they have to most of the times.And I got into a relationship with someone else.Fell head over heels in love again and was really very happy until that person hurt me and gave me a reality check that no its not gonna work out.Its true if two people are meant to be together nothing can keep them apart and its the same the other way round if they dont want to be together nothing can stop from breaking the bond.I was depressed but I dint want anyone to realise that I just wanted to stay strong.I quit talking to people much deactivated my social networking sites and when I looked back I was left with nothing or maybe I never wanted to see everything I still have.But still you stood there for me in such situation tried to make me normal again make me forget everything.And all this started making you like more prolly it was LOVE but I never wanted to accept it.I never wanted to get myself trapped in all these feelings and hurt myself once again.Infact I never wanted to see the reality or maybe I didnt want make you feel as a back up plan or maybe I was afraid to get into all this again.I regret thinking this way now.
                 Darn and the day you asked me out I cant forget the day 7th October.The day was no less than a fairy tale for me I could n't even imagine somebody making me feel so important and special.Though I just replied maybe I like you too I wanted to scream my lungs out "You fool it took you so long to realise this.I love you GOD-DARN-THING".And I cant tell you how happy I felt that day when I got back home only Dipanjan Das and Amrit Kaur would know it the best.
                   Even when we got into a relationship I was n't really expressive most of the times.Cos I was still scared of losing people especially the loved ones which always does happen with me though it might kind of sound silly.I am sorry for all the times I have been silent and annoyed you knowingly or unknowingly though it wasn't really your mistake.And on the contrary you would always do things that make me happy.Most importantly you made me believe in myself.And I thank god that we never fight too much idk something stops us from doing that even  when we fight we cant stay long without talking to each other.I just want to tell you that you 've always been my strength even when you were my best friend and even now.Though you consider me to be your both strength and weakness at the same time.
                    Finally I want to let you know maybe I am not really romantic maybe I am not really that lovey dovey kinda girl maybe I am messed up but no matter what I ll never leave your side and try to keep you happy always.And I cant explain my love for you and prolly nothing can.And whenever I move to some other place it gets on my nerves cos I wont be able to see you.Missing you is the toughest phase but it really lets me know how much I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE.And I want to let you know our love is incomparable,unmatchable and unconditional and I hope its the same through out.Its been almost 9 months now and I am still obssessed about you.I still remember these lines which once you told me
"Having a Boy friend or Girl friend is not Love..
But, having someone in your life on whom 

YOU have blind faith that even if you hurt them to extreme..
they will still hold ur hand n say..

I was, I  am, n I 'lL always be with you forever..
Thats LOVE.. LIFE.. 

Nevr lose them.."
I just want to be that only person in your life.I love you.Happy 18th Birthday =)
With lots of love,
                                                                                                             Your chinti :D

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Feelings that are priceless

I made this note long ago on FB just wanted to update it on my blog.                                               
*When you sleep on your mom/dad's lap no matter how grown up you are.
*When a complete stranger smiles at you.
*When someone tells you "You made my day"
*When your boy friend/girl friend tells you "No,I trust you"
*When your sibling tells you in an annoyingly cute way I ll miss you when they are off for a long trip.
*When your best friend  hugs you saying yeah everything ll be fine though the whole world beleives your fake smile.
*When your boy friend stands in front of your balcony at morning 4 am just to wish you Happy Birthday.
*When you see someones never ending effort while everyone on earth sees his/her success or failure.
*When the waves in the see touch your feet.
*When your childhood friend rings up all of a sudden and starts cherishing memories which you never expected them to remember.
*When your mom/dad wake you up while sleeping just to feed you not that you cant eat but just cos they care a way too much.
*When you give that warm HUG to someone when you get to see them after one whole month though staying without them for a day sucks too.
*When your dog starts licking ,hugging and wagging its tail for you when you are back home after school.
*When the one you love expresses that even forever is not the end to stop loving you.
*When everybody seems to see the smile on one's face but you know you are the reason behind it.
*When you hold your baby neice/nephew any newly born baby  in your family for the first time.
*When you have somebody as a friend who is almost like  a family member to you.
*When you know you mean the world to somebody.

Small things in our life really make a big difference so cherish every moment and stay happy :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


  • Sometimes it takes being away from someone for a while to realize how much you really need them in your life.
  • Akki and I patched up yay finally.Oh wait he's not my boyfriend hes like my girl-best-friend.No I dont want to make you feel transexual :P
  • Its been exactly 23 days I did n't get to see someone.Grr this is the only worst part of this phase.
  • I am really bad at forgiving people.Though I may pretend to forget everything.
  • If I dont really like someone I tend to ignore them a lot in each and every possible way out.And If I am ignoring you by any chance it means I dont like you.
  • I tend to annoy the people I love a way too much than acting lovey dovey.So if I am freaking you out often and I always end up fighting with you it means I love you.I know this is a way strange but I have always been like this
  • I hate it when the person beside you starts snoring while sleeping in a flight.Darn you cant even move to some other place and get rid of them.
  • Distance does MATTER how much ever you might try to ignore it.Thats a fact.

Friday, April 29, 2011


                                            LUCK FACTOR
Seems like my luck factor is on an upswing these days I feel this especially after my results were out.I got a freaking triple A and I am really happy about it.The first person that stuck my mind as soon as I saw the result was Akhil cos he was the one who said I would get an A for sure.I am glad that I 've people in my life who believe in me more than I do and sometimes thats what keeps you moving on from breaking down.That reminds me of some phrase which somebody special usually keeps telling whenever I feel low or underestimate myself.

"You should believe in YOURSELF just half as much as I believe in YOU".
Its because of this belief of somebody I did well than whatever I expected =)
      The day April 18th was hectic cos I dint know whether be happy about the result or sad cos I would depart from my city in a few moments from then.Moreover how can I forget it was Polo's birthday too that day.

Just when I get out of the school after getting to know my grades I see Akki right there.I thought he must be there to drop off the con law book about which he had been telling me since ages but never did it.After all he is a lazy son of gun just like me .We saw each other but never started greeting each other with the random insults which we usually do.I wanted to talk to him real bad cos I havent spoken to him since the day we fought I wanted to clear out things and be like how WE used to be.But BOOOOOOOOOOOOM my inner conscience started screaming "Why are you the one who always have to compromise.Why cant he do it just for once.Ignore him if he doesn't make the effort to make things right" and as usual I listened to it which I dint have to and though I know I was being egoistical moved the hell out of there.I could see the sadness and obliviousness in his face but still I never cared to say a BYE too.Grr why am I so mean.


Then I reached home informed my dad and brother about the result thingy.Dad was happy and proud for the first time in my life I did n't have to listen to that long lecture which I am usually compelled too.Felt good infact proud about myself and the feeling is pricelss.And as usual my evlish brother started teasing me saying there must prolly be one reason this might have happened perhaps the examiner was blind or it never really happened .Darn why are siblings so freaking annoying all the time?Especially the ELDER ones they are dominating and can never accept their defeat.No offense to any elder sibling in anyone's  family reading this though :P

                              Bye-Bye Toronto
And like we had to we moved on to the air port by 5 20.WE DID The hardest thing about departing from your city is leaving your people behind.I wish I could carry all off my friends in my suit case if I could.But that cant happen so I had to leave after saying good bye to Heen and Aniket.Though its been more than 2 weeks I still miss you Toronto.And all I want right now is get back to my home sweet home =)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Frustrated life

  • Lately there have been many complications in my life and the only reason I dont share them with anyone is half of them would not even understand them and the rest half would make fun of them so I dont want to end up making a fool out of myself.
  • Seems like misunderstandings with a really good friend are constantly increasing.If we want to fight with someone we can find million reasons to do so but we only need one reason to avoid that fight from breaking the bond.But people change and so does feelings fade away.
  • I have noticed that I am losing my patience for the silliest things in the world though I dont care a darn about them.Or rather I am getting more of self centred I hardly know.
  • To add to all these I have to pack up my bags and leave tomorrow which means staying away from someone for a complete month I know others might find it silly or stupid or dumb or whatever it is but its really hard for me.
  • They say when life gets frustrated go to your happy place but I never found such happy place in my whole life.
  • All I want is a place where I can stay with people without any chaos , misunderstandings and maybe the ones who can understand me and stop judging me.
  • Sometimes I miss somebody I wish she still existed in my life.I feel how different my life would be then maybe I could share everything with her.Maybe life would not be so complicated then.Maybe I would never feel lonesome like I am feeling today.But then all my thoughts clash down that cant happen that ll never happen this is the way my life is now and its gotto be this way.
  • Sometimes I feel people have started taking me for granted .I feel like I am being forgotten.
  • At the same time I feel blessed to have few people in my life so God made up a compensation out there by gifting me such people who try to make me happy by the little things they do.They mean a lot to me.
  • I know I should stop complaining lately about the things around me and start cherishing every moment of it anyway.
  • Never mind I keep getting these attacks and fluctuations in my mind now and then so its not a big deal thats how I convince myself these days.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Yeah its all about hugs and yes when I say H-U-G it means a fully whole hearted one not the one armed or half hearted ones.I am sure there will be moments in every one's lives where all you need is a hug.Be it sad be it happiness all of them can be tackled only when you have someone to share them with and the best part about hugs is they can be treasured by  many things left unsaid but felt.When you are overwhelmed with happiness rather than screaming or smiling to yourself hugging someone is the worlds best feeling.Did you ever hug a completely unknown person but never got a strange feeling after that?Yes hug has that tendency to make a completely unknown person give you a friendly touch too.There is no remedy for sadness but no wonder a hug has the best consoling  power.It makes you feel even when you fall or disheartened or sadness someone is always there to take care of you.Its true that when you are sad and someone hugs you that makes you cry more but the best part is  at least you start feeling light-hearted after that.I don't really remember when was my first hug and stuff like that.But the hug which I can never forget would be the one when my brother was leaving to boarding school for the first time.Though he could n't stay their later for some reasons but it was one such moment which made me feel what we mean to each other in spite of the sibling rivalry we have.Sometimes telling someone how much you love them maybe cant exactly give them that contentment but a loving hug can say it all.The hug that a mom gives her child when the baby first opens her eyes,the hug that a friend gives saying everything 'll just be okay,the hug which a dad gives when his heart is filled with pride,the passionate hug from someone special have the capability to melt any one's heart.Some feelings can never be explained enough such is the feeling of a warm and loving hug.A hug will never let you down so feel free and say free hugs all the way.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


  • Allrite I am freaking out with happiness right now as India won the World Cup after 28 long years.I  always  wanted to treasure this moment and now that its here it bring tears of happiness to my eyes.
  • I dont even remember the last time when I was this happy.Thanks India we all love you truely.
  • I dont care a darn about the Poonam's commitment or anything else but all I can sense everywhere around is happiness and victory.
  • I feel proud to be Indian today.Thanks to the Indian Cricket Team for making billions of hearts happy and filling them with pride I bet nothing in this world can dominate this feeling or take over this.
  • I almost lost my voice because of screaming and cheering and I dont even care a darn about it.All I know is I am the happiest soul on this planet right now.
  • I wish I could go out and join the people dancing to the beats of Dhol but no I wont do it :P
  • My hearty congratulations to all those INDIANS who had been praying and striving for this.This is our moment so lets make the most of it.
  • Now thats INDI-YEAH.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Life's like this

So there are quite many  changes I 've been experiencing in my life from the last time I blogged.

  • I always wanted to get rid of these 12th boards but now that I am done with them it makes me more sick  now what .I haven't got a clue which direction I should choose whether to take the easy out or risk everything for something about which I am not even confident.
  • Oh yeah the most happiest thing in my life now.I am not jobless anymore though I know its not the work I ever wanted to do but atleast something is better than NOTHING.
  • I miss the way how my day usually used to start with my Dad's complaint box "Hopeless kid go to sleep.Eat properly,ETC".Darn I miss him.
  • I found a new guest at my work place.Dogs are the most loving and faithful living beings anyday.Atleast they dont come with terms and conditions like human beings.
  • I can never get over human psychology.The last few days ve been a struggle cos I wasn't able to figure out  something.Isn't it ironic  how the  person  who made everlasting promises to never leave your side could block you out of their life .
  • I wish blocking people from life would be as easy as blocking them from your friends list in social networking sites.
  • Sometimes I feel like life would have been more easy if I never came across few people.But nevertheless you cant go back and change the past,people change so does life all you got to do is move on.
  • Because only then you realise that life isn't always about regrets,sorrows there are many more things worth the struggle which makes it more beautiful.
  • I am somehow scared  to get emotionally attached to people easily these days.But I thank God for giving me the strength and  keeping me  going through all such hurdles in my life and saving the best for me.
  • Sometimes I feel like half of my life has been wasted in pleasing everyone and making others happy.But now I want to change this quality of mine for good.The bottom line would be its okay with me if I dont become the reason for someone's happiness but atleast I should n't be the reason for their sorrow.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Totally in love with life.

  • The very start of this week had been pretty amazing.Just some random stuff which I ve been through this weekend.
  • Sometimes staying away makes you realise how much people value you and how miserable life can be without few special people.
  • Special moments cannot be confined to any particular day even a tiring day with few happy moments can turn out to be very special.
  • The ones who come with terms and conditions sure have an expiry date.
  • Breaking somebody's trust is very easy.But regaining it is IMPOSSIBLE.
  • Last year this very Valentines I was immature enough to loose him but this year  I am thankful to God that I have somebody like him in my life.
  • The only special part about this Valentines day was that you were with me and that completely made my day .
  • Tommorow is a big day for two reasons.
  • 1.My 2nd sem is gonna begin from tommorow.
  • 2.My Best Friend's bday.
  • I just want to let her know that though I am not with her all the time but still 'You aren't alone and I love you the most anyday.I am thankful to God for having somebody like you in my life'

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome 2011

Well so 2011 had just begun and the very start of this year had been pretty good for me.Few most amazing things that this year's very start made me realise.

  • No matter how much we fight with few people we can never give up on them.
  • Finally my best friend is happy saw her smiling after a long time and trust me thats the most awesomest feeling ever.
  • Differences between me and a really good friend of mine reduced realised people who can hurt you to the extremes can also be the reason for your happiness. 
  • When you get addicted to somebody its irresistable to stay without them even for a day and that phase sucks completely.
  • But as soon as you see that person after this phase of separation it feels so surreal and you realise that all the time you ve been waiting is worth it.
  • Often people who tend to appear strong are the ones who are deep down hurt but still dont reveal anything to anybody just cos they dont want to be the reason of someone's sadness.Completely appreciate that effort one needs enough strength to control themselves from being fragile.
  • Most of us tend to ignore things which are right in front of us and keep searching for something that doesn't even exist.Realised if you love something you sh'd love it the way it is including the changes and imperfections.
  • No relationship is perfect or flawless.But that effort to even take the imperfections in the right way is worth the love.
  • Most of the time in life's race we dont know what we are searching for but end up with something which is meant to be .Learn appreciating such differences in life.
  • Not to forget I am thankful to God for everything.For the love,the people,friends,family that he has given me.
  • I wouldn't have stood anywhere without them all.Thanks for such a precious life =)