Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why ME ??

 Allrite as soon as you guys read the title.I am sure 99.9   % of the people [Though so many people dont read my blog] :P would 've definitely thought that it should n't be why me and its gotto be try me?But letme tell you I 've tried enough each and every time but end up asking the same question to myself and i.e why me.I know I should use more of punctuations but kindly ignore it cos I 'm in no mood to correct anything.

            So the point is how suddenly somebody you 've been friends with since ages can start blaming you and just cant take a joke like a joke.And ruin everything just cos of a silly joke.C'mon we arent kids anymore GROW UP FFS.If you 're egoistical enough to let somebody go even after they apologise then let me tell you its your bloody fault and not the other person's cos they atleast made an attempt to sort out things unlike you.And their apology is just cos they value the relationship more than the silliest fight.But its true you should never apologise when you 're not wrong cos few egoistical people might take advantage of it.So first time I learned a lesson NEVER APOLOGISE FOR BEING REAL.No matter how important the other person might be in your life.Anyway we have had enough of this shit the truth is NobodyReallyCares.
Sometimes  I wish people never took me for granted.Darn why me????????   Anyway for whomever this might concern I just want to tell you I 've tried each and every means to sort out things & always been there for you.Even though you dont consider me to be your friend now.So its just gotto be a final good bye buddy :) Sometimes its better to leave the broken pieces the way they 're than to try to fix them back and hurt yourself.           
            Today I don't feel like doing anything.I just want to have some peace of mind and enjoy my last Day in Toronto.Don't feel like talking to anyone.Isnt it ironical how one silly issue can spoil your good day. :(

1 comment:

  1. Well I never thought in my life that there would be a day that I will see you as a writer or a feeling expresser. But trust me its really good and I am very happy seeing you as writer ... And about this one ya that's true its his/her lost if they lose a valuable friendship of yours kritu .... God bless you
