Saturday, June 11, 2011

A little bit stronger

So today is one such unusual day when I'm really happy and updating my blog.Cos I often somehow end up updating my blog when I'm sad.Anyway I didn't sleep the whole night cos I dont really know.Insomnia is taking over me these days.Then something that made my day awesome today  was talking to my best friends Suja and Akhil after a really really long time.Yes no matter how serious life gets we constantly need the ones with whom we can act completely stupid with and I love them both for this.Then as usual talked to Samrith.Calling him with his actual name really makes me feel weird cos I 'm so used to mock him with freaking annoying names.Today something just made me realise that I 'm actually so content with my family and friends that even when somebody new enters into my life I feel they just dont fit in cos I feel I already 've awesome people in my life.I know this is wrong and I 'm working to change this attitude of mine.

                                 And then I went on a walk with my brother not cos I need to loose my weight but cos I was bored and I love long walks.Might be I would end up my day giving a party to my friends cos they have been nagging from many days that I never gave them a treat on my result.I 've been just thinking how different my life would be from next week.Will I be able to make some good friends cos I swear making new friends had never been easy for me but somehow I end up making good friends?Will I get adapted to that city?Will I be able to stay happily without my family .I dont really think so cos I never faced such situation in my life.Anyway I 'm just keeping my fingers crossed and I hope everything goes well and  all that I know is I need to get used to all these changes now.Anyway sayonara cos my starbucks vanilla double shot is waiting for me right now :)

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