Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Good Bye Sadness Sydrome

  • So yeah last week  I really really had a tough  and stressful time .Yes if stress could burn calories I 'd be invisible by now :P.But oh  yeah like I always keep saying I can never be sad or stressed out for a long time :P No matter anybody's there to console me or not.Well from now on I want to stop complaining about the things around me.Cos complaining or nagging about them would n't really make any difference.Oh yes I realised this very  fast :P
  • Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary....simply by doing them with the right people.This picture is something that made me smile last weekend.I love you Margaret.

  • And on the other end I am waiting for my new life to start asap cos I am already bugged with this vacation and joblessness.And yes its gonna be a new life for me cos I would stay away from home for the first time in my life.Woho thats an achievement for me cos I always wanted to experience this some day.Though I know I am gonna miss my friends terribly.Darn cos they are the best and not like the rest [Didn 't that rhyme :P] And I ll miss Toronto especially loitering around in Downtown,Partying in Alley Cats,Yes the food at TH [darn nothing can replace it yes Wadhwani's Desi food is an exception though] ,Talks at the Rogers Centre with my guy  and not to forget I ll miss my niece and nephew I confess they are the most adorable kids and spending time with them makes me  the happiest person.
  • Stayed away from everyone for one week not because I was that busy but cos I wanted to make my life less complicated.Already I am messed up I dont want any more complicated things and built dramas around me  and then blame the world and say "oh yeah life sucks?Doesn't it " .
  • Firstly I am sick of being sad and getting influenced by the things around me.All I need is peace of mind right now to sort out things that I am already messed up with I am just waiting for a better life ahead.
  • Oh yeah and I forgot to mention  today is Alap bhai's Birthday I want  my most annoying brother to have the best time of his life today.I sent him this Enicar Watch hope he received it on time and I hope he liked it .God I suck at choosing gifts for men.Halwa gives me advices on that at times though. 

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