Sunday, April 17, 2011

Frustrated life

  • Lately there have been many complications in my life and the only reason I dont share them with anyone is half of them would not even understand them and the rest half would make fun of them so I dont want to end up making a fool out of myself.
  • Seems like misunderstandings with a really good friend are constantly increasing.If we want to fight with someone we can find million reasons to do so but we only need one reason to avoid that fight from breaking the bond.But people change and so does feelings fade away.
  • I have noticed that I am losing my patience for the silliest things in the world though I dont care a darn about them.Or rather I am getting more of self centred I hardly know.
  • To add to all these I have to pack up my bags and leave tomorrow which means staying away from someone for a complete month I know others might find it silly or stupid or dumb or whatever it is but its really hard for me.
  • They say when life gets frustrated go to your happy place but I never found such happy place in my whole life.
  • All I want is a place where I can stay with people without any chaos , misunderstandings and maybe the ones who can understand me and stop judging me.
  • Sometimes I miss somebody I wish she still existed in my life.I feel how different my life would be then maybe I could share everything with her.Maybe life would not be so complicated then.Maybe I would never feel lonesome like I am feeling today.But then all my thoughts clash down that cant happen that ll never happen this is the way my life is now and its gotto be this way.
  • Sometimes I feel people have started taking me for granted .I feel like I am being forgotten.
  • At the same time I feel blessed to have few people in my life so God made up a compensation out there by gifting me such people who try to make me happy by the little things they do.They mean a lot to me.
  • I know I should stop complaining lately about the things around me and start cherishing every moment of it anyway.
  • Never mind I keep getting these attacks and fluctuations in my mind now and then so its not a big deal thats how I convince myself these days.


  1. So intricate and sad. Kriti despite all this you should take life on a positive note, for who knows, someday you might just be granted a windfall of joyous events :) Still got another 75+ years of your life remaining, take it on a positive note :)
    I'm sure you'll want to tell your kids only the good stuff in your life!
    Good luck and waiting to see more posts :)

  2. Yeah I have to look at the positive sides of life too .Thanks a ton for making me feel optimistic it means a lot to me:)
