Friday, April 29, 2011


                                            LUCK FACTOR
Seems like my luck factor is on an upswing these days I feel this especially after my results were out.I got a freaking triple A and I am really happy about it.The first person that stuck my mind as soon as I saw the result was Akhil cos he was the one who said I would get an A for sure.I am glad that I 've people in my life who believe in me more than I do and sometimes thats what keeps you moving on from breaking down.That reminds me of some phrase which somebody special usually keeps telling whenever I feel low or underestimate myself.

"You should believe in YOURSELF just half as much as I believe in YOU".
Its because of this belief of somebody I did well than whatever I expected =)
      The day April 18th was hectic cos I dint know whether be happy about the result or sad cos I would depart from my city in a few moments from then.Moreover how can I forget it was Polo's birthday too that day.

Just when I get out of the school after getting to know my grades I see Akki right there.I thought he must be there to drop off the con law book about which he had been telling me since ages but never did it.After all he is a lazy son of gun just like me .We saw each other but never started greeting each other with the random insults which we usually do.I wanted to talk to him real bad cos I havent spoken to him since the day we fought I wanted to clear out things and be like how WE used to be.But BOOOOOOOOOOOOM my inner conscience started screaming "Why are you the one who always have to compromise.Why cant he do it just for once.Ignore him if he doesn't make the effort to make things right" and as usual I listened to it which I dint have to and though I know I was being egoistical moved the hell out of there.I could see the sadness and obliviousness in his face but still I never cared to say a BYE too.Grr why am I so mean.


Then I reached home informed my dad and brother about the result thingy.Dad was happy and proud for the first time in my life I did n't have to listen to that long lecture which I am usually compelled too.Felt good infact proud about myself and the feeling is pricelss.And as usual my evlish brother started teasing me saying there must prolly be one reason this might have happened perhaps the examiner was blind or it never really happened .Darn why are siblings so freaking annoying all the time?Especially the ELDER ones they are dominating and can never accept their defeat.No offense to any elder sibling in anyone's  family reading this though :P

                              Bye-Bye Toronto
And like we had to we moved on to the air port by 5 20.WE DID The hardest thing about departing from your city is leaving your people behind.I wish I could carry all off my friends in my suit case if I could.But that cant happen so I had to leave after saying good bye to Heen and Aniket.Though its been more than 2 weeks I still miss you Toronto.And all I want right now is get back to my home sweet home =)