Friday, November 18, 2011

It's all about Priorities

Some people are just so adorable you wish you could hide them from everyone else so they would only be your friend.Did this ever occur to you?Did it ever happen to you that you get insecure when certain people in your life get close to others?Even though you yourself introduced that 3rd person to your friend?So what is it basically insecurity,jealousy,possessiveness?Whatever it might be I'm sure most of us must have experienced this in their lives sooner or latter.
                              So coming to my part of the story.I basically had this best friend of mine whom I happened to introduce to another really good friend of me.Eventually things were all right.But then sooner or later I started feeling somethings going wrong.I didn't know whether it was my misconception or whether I was right.This best friend of mine who used to tell me everything [almost EVERYTHING] started hiding things.He started talking to my friend everyday and he would never let me know about all this.I wonder why *sigh*.And I would get to know about these things from the 3rd person [The friend I introduced to him].What I didn't like is the fact that I'm getting to know things of MY so called best friend from some other person.Frankly speaking this was the first time I was going through all this.Cos always I felt people who were important to me gave me equally enough importance too.I could not digest the fact that MY best friend is getting closer to someone else.I know it sounds kiddish but we can never get over certain human emotions.Usually when I cant face certain situations in life I try to escape from them by avoiding them.So I started avoiding the two of them.Though they both are still my friends I don't talk to them the way I used to before maybe I never can.I don't know if its right or wrong but I find this the easiest way out .Mostly when I don't like people assume myself to be an attention seeker or jealous retard.Though I'm sure most of you all must have already given me that title in your head.
                             Why do we have to feel this way?Why do we want people whom we have known since a long time or been close with to give the first priority to us?Why cant we take it when they're happy with somebody else.Or maybe we can take it but we cant be happy.This feeling sucks it really does.During such times we subject the person to be bad.But the truth is that situations/circumstances change people and its not their fault.Its not necessary that people who 're close to you now should only stay with you forever.Of course they have a life beyond you.Even though its bitter its the truth.Who knows maybe at some point of time in life even you ended up making somebody feeling the same way like its happening with you?


  1. Yep. There are those people whom you just want to keep to yourself.
    And then sometimes your friends come into the picture and then you feel like you're an intruder x_x That feeling of almost being unwanted sucks so badly. It's something I wouldn't wish on anyone!
    I didn't know you blog.
    Following zuu now. :D

  2. Yeah that feeling of being unwanted or losing something thats precious to your heart is that all of us fear.And yeah touchwood even I wish no one should ever experience any such thing in life.
    Now you know.And yay I'm following your blog too :D

  3. lvd it.. maybe not so much on any other day..but i was feeling something very similar today!

  4. Well, this a very interesting scenario. And I've been working scientifically on a similar, rather, I would say more complex, real life issue. Kriti, this post is even more helpful for me. How should I thank you more? Keep the good work up. I would soon put a piece of my work too. Take care.

  5. Abhi thans a ton and yes it happens with all of us at some point :)

    Hasanraza You dont ever have to thank me.I just wrote what I felt and yeah I'm eager to have a look at your piece of work :) Take care you too.

  6. Well one again awesome work ktiu .. And ya this feeling is really errrrr specially when your friend stays in a distance in a common language if we talk about a long distance friendship or relation ... But thinks do change and suddenly there time for you become a busy day and once in a blue moon that time come for few hour ... Bt its all abt priorties :) God bless you :)
