Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Good Bye Sadness Sydrome

  • So yeah last week  I really really had a tough  and stressful time .Yes if stress could burn calories I 'd be invisible by now :P.But oh  yeah like I always keep saying I can never be sad or stressed out for a long time :P No matter anybody's there to console me or not.Well from now on I want to stop complaining about the things around me.Cos complaining or nagging about them would n't really make any difference.Oh yes I realised this very  fast :P
  • Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary....simply by doing them with the right people.This picture is something that made me smile last weekend.I love you Margaret.

  • And on the other end I am waiting for my new life to start asap cos I am already bugged with this vacation and joblessness.And yes its gonna be a new life for me cos I would stay away from home for the first time in my life.Woho thats an achievement for me cos I always wanted to experience this some day.Though I know I am gonna miss my friends terribly.Darn cos they are the best and not like the rest [Didn 't that rhyme :P] And I ll miss Toronto especially loitering around in Downtown,Partying in Alley Cats,Yes the food at TH [darn nothing can replace it yes Wadhwani's Desi food is an exception though] ,Talks at the Rogers Centre with my guy  and not to forget I ll miss my niece and nephew I confess they are the most adorable kids and spending time with them makes me  the happiest person.
  • Stayed away from everyone for one week not because I was that busy but cos I wanted to make my life less complicated.Already I am messed up I dont want any more complicated things and built dramas around me  and then blame the world and say "oh yeah life sucks?Doesn't it " .
  • Firstly I am sick of being sad and getting influenced by the things around me.All I need is peace of mind right now to sort out things that I am already messed up with I am just waiting for a better life ahead.
  • Oh yeah and I forgot to mention  today is Alap bhai's Birthday I want  my most annoying brother to have the best time of his life today.I sent him this Enicar Watch hope he received it on time and I hope he liked it .God I suck at choosing gifts for men.Halwa gives me advices on that at times though. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One year of friendship with Ammu

So its exactly one year that I 've been friends with this girl Amrit Kaur who holds a very special place in my life now :D Though I went mad at you cos you forgot the date :'( But its okay its not the day but the moments we shared that we need to cherish :D

 So firstly I gotto know her through some person who does n't exist in my life now but everything happens for a reason does n't it ?Thats one reason why I dont regret anything in my life cos otherwise maybe I would never come across you in my whole life and get to know how awesome you are :)
             Though I dont know you personally or never met you in real life but you have just become a part of my life knowingly or unknowingly.Gross I suck at expressing things but kindly bear with me for a while :P I absolutely love everything about you.I love your punjabi .I love how you sang songs for me once upon a time hope you remember that.Oh wait I absolutely love your voiice.I love your hair [jealous jealous].I used to love those conferences[voice chats] of ours with Dip and Azan which were absolutely crazy and nonsensical but good times.I love how we can talk anything or nothing and end up laughing hillariously.I love how you try to solve my problems.I love how you never left my side when I needed you the most.I love how we talk about hot guys and end up giggling :P In short I love you for the way you are and for everything you are when you are with me :)
Haye I love that pic made that for your last Birthday :D

                               Ammu's note which means a lot to me 
Kriti Desai,

This one year with you has been blissful. I loved each and every moment of it. You have been there for me in thick and thin. I love you for that. If anybody asks me about my best friends, yes I say two names. Sahiba and Kriti.
I love you. More then I can say. You are beautiful. And you deserve the best.
I am sorry I got confused of the dates. :P:P Mujhe yaad tha but. :):)

I love your smile. I love your eyes. I love the way you talk. I love your boyfriend. :P:P I love the way everybody loves you. I love you cus you are special. I love the way you say JO BHI and BAIGAN! I love you. Yep! And I miss you when you are gone. :S

May you get all the happiness you ever have wanted. May you top in that Queen's uni of yours. :P:P May you always be happy with him. And when I see you, I see you both married. Yep. :P:P May I just see you soon. And when I will see you, all I would do is hug you tight till you suffocate and cry. :') :P:P

Btw are your hair rebounded? :S They are beautiful.

And you are not as thin as I thought you were :P:P

And I never want to lose you. And I am sure its not only me who feels that way but everybody whose ever touched your life.

And once again. I love you. >:D< ♥

And this reminds me of that picture you made of waitress when I used to work at the cafe darn I absolutely loved it.The little things you keep doing for me make me the happiest person.

 I hope we share the same retarded crazy relationship even after ages from now and I hope you get everything in life you wish for.Cos you deserve it all and HIM too.I love you :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Unsent letter to my Love

To the Birthday Boy,
                             There must prolly be many things which I never revealed to you though I know you from almost 3 years and I share almost everything with you.So I somehow feel I should let out all my feelings today.
                      The first day I met  you I never really thought you would become so important for me.I still remember the way you used to crack up silly and stupid jokes just to make me smile.Cos I was new to the school and everyone out here.I used to really like that effort of yours it actually made me more friendly towards everyone or whatever I am today.I 'd keep telling Amrit Kaur and the Kishu Jain about all the silly things you do and the stupid songs you 'd sing with the Canadian accent hahaa.I was secretly liking you and wanted it to be the same from your side.
                  But then things dont really go the way they have to most of the times.And I got into a relationship with someone else.Fell head over heels in love again and was really very happy until that person hurt me and gave me a reality check that no its not gonna work out.Its true if two people are meant to be together nothing can keep them apart and its the same the other way round if they dont want to be together nothing can stop from breaking the bond.I was depressed but I dint want anyone to realise that I just wanted to stay strong.I quit talking to people much deactivated my social networking sites and when I looked back I was left with nothing or maybe I never wanted to see everything I still have.But still you stood there for me in such situation tried to make me normal again make me forget everything.And all this started making you like more prolly it was LOVE but I never wanted to accept it.I never wanted to get myself trapped in all these feelings and hurt myself once again.Infact I never wanted to see the reality or maybe I didnt want make you feel as a back up plan or maybe I was afraid to get into all this again.I regret thinking this way now.
                 Darn and the day you asked me out I cant forget the day 7th October.The day was no less than a fairy tale for me I could n't even imagine somebody making me feel so important and special.Though I just replied maybe I like you too I wanted to scream my lungs out "You fool it took you so long to realise this.I love you GOD-DARN-THING".And I cant tell you how happy I felt that day when I got back home only Dipanjan Das and Amrit Kaur would know it the best.
                   Even when we got into a relationship I was n't really expressive most of the times.Cos I was still scared of losing people especially the loved ones which always does happen with me though it might kind of sound silly.I am sorry for all the times I have been silent and annoyed you knowingly or unknowingly though it wasn't really your mistake.And on the contrary you would always do things that make me happy.Most importantly you made me believe in myself.And I thank god that we never fight too much idk something stops us from doing that even  when we fight we cant stay long without talking to each other.I just want to tell you that you 've always been my strength even when you were my best friend and even now.Though you consider me to be your both strength and weakness at the same time.
                    Finally I want to let you know maybe I am not really romantic maybe I am not really that lovey dovey kinda girl maybe I am messed up but no matter what I ll never leave your side and try to keep you happy always.And I cant explain my love for you and prolly nothing can.And whenever I move to some other place it gets on my nerves cos I wont be able to see you.Missing you is the toughest phase but it really lets me know how much I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE.And I want to let you know our love is incomparable,unmatchable and unconditional and I hope its the same through out.Its been almost 9 months now and I am still obssessed about you.I still remember these lines which once you told me
"Having a Boy friend or Girl friend is not Love..
But, having someone in your life on whom 

YOU have blind faith that even if you hurt them to extreme..
they will still hold ur hand n say..

I was, I  am, n I 'lL always be with you forever..
Thats LOVE.. LIFE.. 

Nevr lose them.."
I just want to be that only person in your life.I love you.Happy 18th Birthday =)
With lots of love,
                                                                                                             Your chinti :D

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Feelings that are priceless

I made this note long ago on FB just wanted to update it on my blog.                                               
*When you sleep on your mom/dad's lap no matter how grown up you are.
*When a complete stranger smiles at you.
*When someone tells you "You made my day"
*When your boy friend/girl friend tells you "No,I trust you"
*When your sibling tells you in an annoyingly cute way I ll miss you when they are off for a long trip.
*When your best friend  hugs you saying yeah everything ll be fine though the whole world beleives your fake smile.
*When your boy friend stands in front of your balcony at morning 4 am just to wish you Happy Birthday.
*When you see someones never ending effort while everyone on earth sees his/her success or failure.
*When the waves in the see touch your feet.
*When your childhood friend rings up all of a sudden and starts cherishing memories which you never expected them to remember.
*When your mom/dad wake you up while sleeping just to feed you not that you cant eat but just cos they care a way too much.
*When you give that warm HUG to someone when you get to see them after one whole month though staying without them for a day sucks too.
*When your dog starts licking ,hugging and wagging its tail for you when you are back home after school.
*When the one you love expresses that even forever is not the end to stop loving you.
*When everybody seems to see the smile on one's face but you know you are the reason behind it.
*When you hold your baby neice/nephew any newly born baby  in your family for the first time.
*When you have somebody as a friend who is almost like  a family member to you.
*When you know you mean the world to somebody.

Small things in our life really make a big difference so cherish every moment and stay happy :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


  • Sometimes it takes being away from someone for a while to realize how much you really need them in your life.
  • Akki and I patched up yay finally.Oh wait he's not my boyfriend hes like my girl-best-friend.No I dont want to make you feel transexual :P
  • Its been exactly 23 days I did n't get to see someone.Grr this is the only worst part of this phase.
  • I am really bad at forgiving people.Though I may pretend to forget everything.
  • If I dont really like someone I tend to ignore them a lot in each and every possible way out.And If I am ignoring you by any chance it means I dont like you.
  • I tend to annoy the people I love a way too much than acting lovey dovey.So if I am freaking you out often and I always end up fighting with you it means I love you.I know this is a way strange but I have always been like this
  • I hate it when the person beside you starts snoring while sleeping in a flight.Darn you cant even move to some other place and get rid of them.
  • Distance does MATTER how much ever you might try to ignore it.Thats a fact.