Thursday, November 24, 2011

That old man had a tale

Basically this is about something that I have experienced yesterday morning which moved me and made think hell lot of things.
So yesterday morning like any other day I started off to University.As usual I knew I would get late.Don't blame me.Blame these Kingston buses they always arrive late.So I was just waiting in this station for bus.Only then I happened to see an old man arriving.He stood next to me.He might be around 75ish.He was trying to tell me something.But I could not get it firstly so I just preferred to nod my head with a smile.But when I suddenly started staring down I noticed his feet.Those fingers of his feet were bleeding.That's when I started examining him closely I noticed that even his hands were injured and were in a bad state.It was then I started paying attention to whatever he was saying.He told me that all his life he had been striving for the welfare and good future of his children.It was only 2 years that his wife passed away.And his children who were in a really good position now had abandoned him cos he would fall sick all the time and this was getting on their nerves.He told me that he would keep walking on roads and keep travelling not knowing where his destination was.The other day when he kept walking the same way a small accident occurred and he fell down and was left with all those injuries.He didn't even have a single penny with him even to take the minimum first aid.I was moved by whatever he said.It brought tears to my eyes that people have become so selfish that they cant even take good care of their own parents.Its at that time I saw my bus arriving and all I could do is place a 10$ note in his hand and leave with a heavy heart.

Whatever this world has come to :/ I don't care or give a darn if you 're successful or billionaire or famous/celebrity anything.You 're nothing but a successful loser if you cant take care of your parents.That tale of this old man taught me a lesson.All you folks reading this think for yourself.How many times you must have let down your parents who never gave up on you.Even your best friend/boy friend/partner/girl friend/wife/husband/siblings would give up on you but they never would.Even if you cant make them happy at least don't make them cry.Don't abandon them when they are old.That's when they need you the most.Even you would turn old some day nobody is young forever until you are a vampire or something unrealistic.Get a reality check give them hope when they 're down.Even animals are good at this.They never hurt their parents then why have we become like this?

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's all about Priorities

Some people are just so adorable you wish you could hide them from everyone else so they would only be your friend.Did this ever occur to you?Did it ever happen to you that you get insecure when certain people in your life get close to others?Even though you yourself introduced that 3rd person to your friend?So what is it basically insecurity,jealousy,possessiveness?Whatever it might be I'm sure most of us must have experienced this in their lives sooner or latter.
                              So coming to my part of the story.I basically had this best friend of mine whom I happened to introduce to another really good friend of me.Eventually things were all right.But then sooner or later I started feeling somethings going wrong.I didn't know whether it was my misconception or whether I was right.This best friend of mine who used to tell me everything [almost EVERYTHING] started hiding things.He started talking to my friend everyday and he would never let me know about all this.I wonder why *sigh*.And I would get to know about these things from the 3rd person [The friend I introduced to him].What I didn't like is the fact that I'm getting to know things of MY so called best friend from some other person.Frankly speaking this was the first time I was going through all this.Cos always I felt people who were important to me gave me equally enough importance too.I could not digest the fact that MY best friend is getting closer to someone else.I know it sounds kiddish but we can never get over certain human emotions.Usually when I cant face certain situations in life I try to escape from them by avoiding them.So I started avoiding the two of them.Though they both are still my friends I don't talk to them the way I used to before maybe I never can.I don't know if its right or wrong but I find this the easiest way out .Mostly when I don't like people assume myself to be an attention seeker or jealous retard.Though I'm sure most of you all must have already given me that title in your head.
                             Why do we have to feel this way?Why do we want people whom we have known since a long time or been close with to give the first priority to us?Why cant we take it when they're happy with somebody else.Or maybe we can take it but we cant be happy.This feeling sucks it really does.During such times we subject the person to be bad.But the truth is that situations/circumstances change people and its not their fault.Its not necessary that people who 're close to you now should only stay with you forever.Of course they have a life beyond you.Even though its bitter its the truth.Who knows maybe at some point of time in life even you ended up making somebody feeling the same way like its happening with you?