Sunday, December 19, 2010

Another year of my life

So another year of my life just passes by.This year had been pretty amazing and transforming in my case.Realised many things in life.Well letme start off with things that remained constant along this whole year.Everything is just random.

  • I still get excited for my friends birthdays.
  • Azan and me are still jobless freaks.
  • Suja is still my best friend.
  • I still share all my problems only with D2
  • Jeff still loves choclates more than me.
  • My brother is still stupid and I am his biggest alarm during mornings.
  • Abbu is still the best.
  • History classes are still boring and sleepy.
  • Akarsh 'd have been paid off good if he was in a joker in a circus rather than using his skills in front of us.
  • I still love irritating Abhi.

Things that changed
  • I can live without internet.
  • Learned to be rude and strong for good.
  • Virtual relationships suck big time lost complete belief on them cos of few experiences.
  • Doesn't trust anyone easily now.
  • People who make hell lot of promises are the one's who are gonna ditch you when you need them the most then all one needs to do is stand up for yourself cos no one else will help you at that point of time.
  • Stopped giving a darn to the one's who talk behind her doesnt affect me anymore.
  • Cant live without my guy though initially I agree my feelings for him weren't that strong but my love for him has increased with time and he is my basic necessity for existence now.
  • Doesnt get emotionally attached to people easily now.
  •  Is more confident now than earlier.
  • Some people  dont even deserve your attention so started ignoring them.  
                                      Bye bye 2010 :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

I MISS everything

Never ever thought I could miss you so much but yes I am admitting it ;I miss you more than anything and everything at present.
I miss you almost every second.Each and everything reminds me of you.
I miss the way how my day starts with your good morning and you getting annoyed cos I didn't sleep enough.
I miss the way you keep irritating me with those stupid nick names.
I miss the way you smile when you look at me.
I miss the way you say  I am running out of tissues when I am nervous.
I miss the way you tell me your make up will get spoiled if you cry.
I miss the way you defend me stand for me .
I miss the way you dont allow me to stay up late and get pissed when I say I am not sleepy.
I miss those hugs that melts away the sadness from me .
I miss your crazy talks.
I miss the way you compell me to study.
I miss the way you keep reminding me its lunch time.
I miss the way you laugh at my stupidity.
I miss the way you feel possessive and make me feel you are mine.
I miss the way you can keep talking to me about anything on earth and I dont get bored.
I miss the way you listen to my girly gossip without complaining or making me feel weird. 
I miss the way you always try to keep me happy .
I miss the way you make me believe in us.
I miss the way you say you love me.
I miss the way you pamper me ,the way you make me feel I am the most special person.
I miss the way you make things right when everything is wrong.
On the whole I miss my life[that's you].