Monday, March 21, 2011

Life's like this

So there are quite many  changes I 've been experiencing in my life from the last time I blogged.

  • I always wanted to get rid of these 12th boards but now that I am done with them it makes me more sick  now what .I haven't got a clue which direction I should choose whether to take the easy out or risk everything for something about which I am not even confident.
  • Oh yeah the most happiest thing in my life now.I am not jobless anymore though I know its not the work I ever wanted to do but atleast something is better than NOTHING.
  • I miss the way how my day usually used to start with my Dad's complaint box "Hopeless kid go to sleep.Eat properly,ETC".Darn I miss him.
  • I found a new guest at my work place.Dogs are the most loving and faithful living beings anyday.Atleast they dont come with terms and conditions like human beings.
  • I can never get over human psychology.The last few days ve been a struggle cos I wasn't able to figure out  something.Isn't it ironic  how the  person  who made everlasting promises to never leave your side could block you out of their life .
  • I wish blocking people from life would be as easy as blocking them from your friends list in social networking sites.
  • Sometimes I feel like life would have been more easy if I never came across few people.But nevertheless you cant go back and change the past,people change so does life all you got to do is move on.
  • Because only then you realise that life isn't always about regrets,sorrows there are many more things worth the struggle which makes it more beautiful.
  • I am somehow scared  to get emotionally attached to people easily these days.But I thank God for giving me the strength and  keeping me  going through all such hurdles in my life and saving the best for me.
  • Sometimes I feel like half of my life has been wasted in pleasing everyone and making others happy.But now I want to change this quality of mine for good.The bottom line would be its okay with me if I dont become the reason for someone's happiness but atleast I should n't be the reason for their sorrow.